Stopping effect
The stopping effect describes the reaction of the game on the impact of the <link glossary>bullet.
A high stopping effect ties the game promptly to the ground.
- saddle
- Sasse
- Sasse
- scat droppings
- Schachtel
- palms
- Schmalreh (young doe)
- Schmalreh (young doe)
- Schmalreh (young doe)
- Schnepfenstrich
- Schnepfenstrich
- Schnepfenstrich
- schnüren
- Schweinesonne (pig sun)
- Schweinesonne (pig sun)
- blood
- scut
- Semi-Magnum shotshells
- Shock effect
- Short gun
- Short gun cartridges
- Shot
- Shot load / charge
- Shot pellet numbers
- Shot pellet size
- Shotgun
- Shotshell ignition
- Shotshells / shot cartridges
- Skeet
- Slugs
- Small calibre
- Small game
- small game hunting
- Soft iron shot
- Spiegel
- spike
- Spinne
- Sporting clays
- Spreader device
- Spross
- Sprung
- Sprung
- Sprünge
- Stalking
- Standarte
- Standarte
- Ständer
- Ständer
- Stange
- Star crimp
- Stöckelwild
- Stöckelwild
- Stopping effect
- Stopping effect
- Subsonic cartridges
- Subsonic cartridges
- Sulphur antimony
- Summer biathlon